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Ana, you’re like a small mouse in the corner of your office. You should speak up more!

Firstly ….EXCUSE ME???? Small mouse?

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing during a performance review lunch almost 20 years ago with my manager after telling him about all the work I had been doing. Let’s be clear, there’s nothing wrong with being quiet or shy (I am neither), but that’s certainly NOT what I was going for.

The story I was telling myself in my head was: “I’m so productive, such a hard worker, not wasting time chatting around the water cooler, staying late and doing more than what was asked of me… of course my bosses are going to see it and promote me!” I was confident my work would do the talking.

But that wasn’t the case. I had been practically invisible…

As a valedictorian (abanderada) in high school, and high achiever throughout college, I was not used to hearing anything other than praise… I was leading with my ego and it was not fertile soil for growth.


Secondly (much later): THANK YOU!

If it wasn’t for that poorly-worded yet eye-opening feedback, I would have never realized that my internal messaging was in COMPLETE MISALIGNMENT with how my manager saw me.

In retrospect, he was advicing me to share my accomplishments more freely.

This realization was the catalyst for my leadership story transformation and I’m grateful for every minute of it, for all the ups and downs since, for all the experiences and learnings, because they have led me on a path towards a life full of purpose. My calling is to help others experience these powerful transformations.


So, I heard you, former boss, and since then I don’t miss a chance to speak up.


I’m speaking up to share my story of finding my “ikigai”, my purpose, as a co-author in the amazing anthology of inspiring Latinas who have overcome and triumphed “Today’s Inspired Latina”
I’m speaking up to remind you that it’s a non-negotiable to control the narrative of your own story.
I’m speaking up to show the world we are not invisible.



Here’s to all of us speaking up and sharing our stories and wins more!!




P.S.: Thank you Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz for elevating our Latina stories! Lots of love to my book sisters Anitza San Miguel, Ed.D, Maria Herrera Paloma, Dalia Gonzalez, Martha Razo, Alicia La Hoz, PsyD., Nancy C. Vasser, Natalia C. Franco, Lorena Martinez, Erica Priscilla Sandoval, LCSW, Luzy D King, MBA, Rocio Carroll, Sandra Keys, Isabel Ramirez, BA, MA, M.ED, Monica Rivers, Andrea Morales, Maria del Carmen Ibarra Zepeda, Cristina Flores, Dinorah Gomez, Amaranta Gaytan, Sally Delgado, & Lorena Beltran Gonzalez.


Let’s connect! Find me on LinkedIn here.